Global Healing Oxy-Powder Supplement

Capsules: Oxy-Powder

Hey guys! I hope you all are having a great day! I cannot believe how close we are to finding out the gender of Baby Harrell! Ah! It has been so tough waiting and I am so excited that the day is almost here! This baby is already so loved and we will be thrilled no matter what it is gender-wise. What we do care more about is that I’m healthy so that I am able to carry and give brith to the healthiest baby. So I am trying to be very cautious of what I do and do not eat, as well as the supplements I take. I recently tried something new this month from a brand called Global Healing. They are basically an online shop for all things healthy living related. So that really peaked my interest when I first heard about them! I tried out their Oxy-Powder supplements and really enjoyed using it, so I figured I’d go ahead and share about that with you all today!

So with the Oxy-Powder there are 2 different reasons you can use it. One is as a cleanse and the other is as a reset. I personally decided to use the product as a reset given my individual needs! If you are interested in using it as a cleanse then you can learn more about that here. What this product is, is a safe and natural colon cleanser that uses the power of oxygen to safely and effectively melt away the compaction from your small intestine, large intestine, and colon. Global Healing mentions how if you’ve overindulged during the holiday season (or just in general), their Oxy-Powder will give your body the reset that it needs. This product helps to clear out any and all build up found in your digestive tract. After that happens, you are left feeling super light and clean- which is how I aim to feel everyday! So after learning that, and given we just wrapped up the holidays very recently, I knew that the reset was the perfect method for me! After trying the capsules for some weeks, I can definitely feel relief from any of the post-holiday bloating that I was experiencing. Since I am pregnant, it didn’t leave me with a super flat tummy (because of course, I have a little baby bump), but I do believe it flattened it as much as it could. I didn’t experience any issues while trying this out and found it to be completely safe during pregnancy, which is so great! And of course, I made sure to reach out and ask them if their products are even safe for pregnant women. It is 100%!

Given that we are pretty much still at the start of a new year, what better than to hit the reset button and clean your body from the inside out? Global Healing was so kind to give me a discount code to share with you guys! It is KATY10 and applies to the Oxy-Powder for 10% off. Just keep in mind that the code will expire on April 30, 2020. I totally think this is a great product to try if you’re in the market for something like this ever! There are many great benefits to it and if you do try it, I hope you come to love it just as much as I have!

Thank you so much to Global Healing for sponsoring this post. As always, the thoughts and opinions are all of my own.

Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.




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